PhD thesis defended
« Modélisation, simulation et validation expérimentale d’un réfrigérateur solaire par absorption » Dr. Abir Ben Hmida
Defended 4th of Mars 2019
Thesis director : Pr. Ammar Ben Brahim
Co-director : Dr. Nihel Chekir
Master defended
"Exploitation des rejets thermiques industriels pour la production de froid par absorption » Melle Hanene Ajari
Defended 8th of July 2013
Director : Dr. Nihel Chekir
Masters discussed
« Modelisation et analyse thermodynamique d’une unité de dessalment d’eau de mer MED solaire » Melle Dhouha hassen
Defended 8th of July 2013
Director : Dr. Nihel Chekir
« Moteur Stirling solaire : Etude, modélisation et simulation » Melle Ines Marzougui Director : Dr. Nihel Chekir
Journal Publications :
“Tunisian Geothermal Potential for Desalination”, Chekir N., Hassen D., Water-Energy-Nexus in the Ecological Transition, pp. 237–240 (2022). Publisher: Springer International Publishing.
2. “What is the relationship between the coronavirus crisis and air pollution in Tunisia?” N. Chekir, Y. Ben Salem, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 6(1), 3 (2021).
“Entropy generation in multi-stage flash desalination plants”, A. Snoussi, N. Chekir, A. Ben Brahim, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2020.
DOI: 10.1007/s40095-020-00337-1
“Alternative Refrigerants for Solar Absorption Air-Conditioning”, N. Chekir,…, International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, Vol. 28 No. 1 (2019).
“Modeling of cold room driven by an absorption refrigerator in the south of Tunisia: A detailed energy and thermodynamic analysis”, A. Hmida, N. Chekir,… Journal of Cleaner Production, 211 (2019) 1239-1249. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.219
“Modélisation d'une machine par absorption et Bilan frigorifique d'une chambre froide”, A. Hmida, N. Chekir,… International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology (IJSET). 78-84. Copyright IPCO-2016. ISSN: 2356-5608.
“Performance improvement of a butane/octane absorption chiller”, N. Chekir, A. Bellagi, Energy 36 (2011) 6278-6284. Doi:10.1016/
“Comparison of a Butane/Octane Absorption Machine with an Ammonia/Water One”, N. Chekir, A. Bellagi, 2010, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 5(1):45-49.
DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2010.45.49
“Simulation d'une machine frigorifique à absorption fonctionnant avec des mélanges d'alcanes”, N. Chekir, Kh. Mejbri, A. Bellagi, International Journal of Refrigeration 29 (2006) 469–475. DOI10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2005.09.016
“Impact liquid vapour equilibrium modelling on the simulation performance of an absorption chiller”, 2006, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 1(4):468-475.
Conference papers:
“Climate Change in Tunisian higher education”, Nihel Chekir, Yassine Ben Salem, an oral presentation at the 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2022), Springer, held in Sousse on 01–04 November 2022, will be soon published in ASTI series (indexed in Scopus).
“Solar thermal desalination plant: Simulation and performance optimization”, Dhouha Hassen, Nihel Chekir, an oral presentation at the 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2022), Springer, held in Sousse on 01–04 November 2022, will be soon published in ASTI series (indexed in Scopus).
“Thermal and exergetic study of multi-effect distillation system coupled with solar thermal energy“, D. Hassen, N. Chekir, oral presentation at the 12th International Renewable Energy Congress, held online from 26th to 28th of October 2021 (IREC 2021).
DOI: 10.1109/IREC52758.2021.9624844
“Solar multi-effect desalination unit“, D. Hassen, N. Chekir, T. Khir, an oral presentation at the First International Advanced Modeling of Thermodynamic Systems Seminar (AMTS2021), held online from 10 to 11th of March 2021.
“Performance optimization of a solar multi effect desalination plant”, Dhouha Hassen, Nihel Chekir, Taher Khir, an oral presentation at the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2021), Springer, held online on 10–13 June 2021, will be soon published in ASTI series (indexed in Scopus).
“Corona-Virus crisis has cleaned up the air”, Nihel Chekir, Yassine Ben Salem, an oral presentation at the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2021), Springer, held online on 10–13 June 2021, will be soon published in ASTI series (indexed in Scopus).
“Tunisian geothermal potential for desalination”, N. Chekir, D. Hassen, an oral presentation at the 3rd Water & Energy Nexus 2020 Conference, Springer, held online between 2 and 4 December 2020, will be soon published in ASTI series (indexed in Scopus).
“Small-Scale Solar Stirling Engine Generator”, N. Chekir, Y. B. Salem, I. Marzougui, an oral presentation at the 6th IEEE International Energy Conference ENERGYCON 2020. Added to IEEE Xplore in October 29, 2020.
“Performance of an Absorption Refrigerator Using a Solar Thermal Collector”, A. Hmida, N. Chekir, A. B. Brahim, world academy of science engineering and technology. Published in International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol: 12, No:10, 2018.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475032
“Solar absorption refrigerator”, A. Hmida, N. Chekir, A. B. Brahim. An oral presentation at the International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems 2017 (GECS). Publication added to IEEE Xplore: 12 October 2017. DOI:10.1109/GECS.2017.8066193
“Performance of ammonia water absorption machine 2017 ”, A. Hmida, N. Chekir,… an oral presentation at the International Congress on Energetic and Environmental Systems held in Djerba from 17 to 19 November 2017 (ICEES 2017). Publication in Termotehnica p46-54. ISSN-L 1222-4057.Online: ISSN 2247-1871.
“ Etude thermique de l’absorbeur d’un capteur cylindro- parabolique d’une station de dessalement solaire”, K. Mokhtar, R. Bouali, N. Chekir, Workshop Bioprocédés Energie & Environnement, Zarzis-Tunisie, les 28, 29 et 30 Avril 2016.
“New absorption air-conditioner”, N. Chekir, 5th International Renewable Energy Congress IREC, March 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/IREC.2014.6826938
“ Impact of the equilibrium on the distillation column conception”, N. Chekir, Actes du Congrès annuel de la Société française de thermique, 25-28, mai 2004, Presqu'île de Giens, France (Congrès).
“Simulation of an absorption chiller working with alkane mixtures”, N. Chekir, The second TSS International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Sousse, Tunisia 2004
“Impact of the equilibrium on the absorption chiller conception”, N. Chekir, 7th National Conference of Physique research, Hammamet, Tunisia 2003.
“Modeling the liquid-vapor equilibria by four different approaches”, N. Chekir, 17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Rostock, Germany 2002.
“Modeling the liquid-vapor equilibria by two different approaches”, N. Chekir, The first TSS International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Hammamet, Tunisia 2002.
“Modeling the separation inside the absorption chiller by four approaches”, N. Chekir, Arab-Africain Congres in climatisation, Cairo, Egypt 2001.
“Modelling the separation inside the generator of an absorption chiller”, N. Chekir, JTET, Mahdia, Tunisia 2000.